Join us for our 2024-25 farm season - purchase a Farm Card today and enjoy CSA membership, farm dining experiences, our new store and new bodega, farm Fridays, and more. Details here.

Our Food

Our CSA is the heart of our farm, providing strong roots in our community, giving stability to the farm, and allowing us to practice the farming arts with the highest ideals. Community Supported Agriculture at its root is the reconnection of people to their food, to the farms where it is grown, and to the people that grow it. Through the direct support of a local farm, the shareholder gains the freshest possible local seasonal eating. We also attend both GNV Market at South Main Station and Haile Village Market as vendors. Using Biodynamic and organic methods, we grow and raise our food and flowers with the utmost care, without the use of any synthetic chemical fertilizers or pesticides. We only offer what we ourselves joyfully eat.

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Pastured Eggs

We have a flock of over 300 heritage breed chickens that provide us with delicious and nutritious eggs. Certified Animal Welfare Approved by These are some happy, healthy girls. We move our chickens onto new pasture often, so they always have a fresh supply of green grass and yummy bugs. Their pasture diet is supplemented only with compost scraps and certified Organic, non-soy, non-GMO feed, and tested to be free of pesticide and fertilizer residues. Come out and meet the ladies!



We are raising heritage Berkshire & Old Spot/Red Wattle pigs on the farm. Our pigs spend their days enjoying each other’s company under the shade of the trees or rooting around in the grass and woods. We use the pigs to help us prepare new areas for planting; those snouts are excellent tillers. They are fed Organic, non-soy, non-GMO grain along with a bounty of scraps from our gardens, and forage of acorns from the oaks above.